You tube is very nice and very useful. You can get whatever you want!
If you want to learn anything, just search it.
I learn basketball tricks, fishing, bowling, golf tips (i worked part time as caddy before), archery, canoe, computer thingy, and everything trough this website. i also learn editing pic and vid trough tis website. nice rite? =)
For zero (before you watch the video)
to a hero (after you watch all related video)
People usually think that I am knowledgeable person (except education, haha) just because I watch the video. haha.
i think i cant live without youtube. this is one of da bad influence of internet..
There is plenty of video to be watch depend on your search.
besides that, i also having fun watching comedy in youtube.
do you know smosh and fred? there are such hilarious person.
this if da link for smosh channel

and here is the example video of smosh.
huh, dont mind its picture. smosh video is safe for anyone include below 18 years old people. tat gurl is just another of smosh joke.
rite now smosh is the number 3 most subscribed all time! before this they took the 1st place, but suddenly fred appeard and replace them. haha. pity smosh.
but i like fred also
this is da link to fred channel
and here is fred latest video about christmas. this vid act not funny like previous fred video. so u guys better take a look at fred channel yourself
oh, i remember. the number 2 rite now is a asian guys. well, i dunno where the hell they came from, suddenly appeard and took number 2. i havent watch their vid yet but iam planning to do so. maybe when boredom strikes me. haha.
actually, there is a lot thing that we can do with youtube. i i guess it is better for you guys to logon yourself and explore it your self.
Towards life without boredom, AJU!
wow, b4 dis i view youtube just to watch my fren video. dun noe that they have a comedian freak like fred. i spend whole day watching fred! thx 4 da post
Ooo.. i only search for movies in youtube. hehe..
movies also got. i watched anime there and others movies also. like i said, youtube very usefull. never get bored if u r on youtube
haha ko pn blogging ea...
huhu welcome2.. ^_^
baru berkecimpung.. harap leh tunjuk ajar yer~ keep visiting me~
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